Salus Case Management is a predominantly telephone based service with an additional option for face to face service delivery, if required. This service is designed to assist clients remain in or return to work.
Clients are assigned to a dedicated Case Manager who completes a comprehensive assessment taking into account the client's current circumstances in relation to health and well being, family and social situation and employment status. The assessment includes a range of pre-programme measures that are repeated mid programme and/or on completion to determine the client's progress.
The Case Manager will assist the client in exploring and identifying barriers, before jointly agreeing an action plan to support the client's needs.
Clients can be referred to a variety of services including physiotherapy, counselling and occupational therapy or may be signposted towards existing services such as debt management, housing and welfare rights. Self help materials and educational information may also be utilised.
The Case Manager will remain in regular contact to co-ordinate services, offer continuous support and mentoring and help the client remain focused on achieving their goals.
The Case Manager will discuss a programme which helps the client remain in or return to work and continue to provide support as part of the client's journey. Once the agreed programme is complete the Case Manager will then discuss and agree closure of the case.
Please find more information on each of our programmes from the list above.
Would you like further information? Contact us on 0845 130 4041